Friday, October 15, 2010

Rainy Friday....

Hello! And Welcome to the wonderful world OF!  Moron's psychopaths and mental defectives....  :)

Raining hard today, breakfast in Bedford, then in the afternoon, hearing aids for my dad!  Woo Hoo!  Can't wait for him to hear again!!!!!  Stubborn old man!  :-)

Watching Julies and Julia, reminds me how much I am in love with Amy Adams!  She is just the perfect woman! :-)

Started a fire this morning, we have not turned on the furnace yet.  Luckily I've got more wood coming on Sunday, hopefully will get me through the winter.

I LOVE fires, but once it gets cold and snowy, it IS a pain lugging wood in and out.

Enjoy for today, time to enjoy my coffee...

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