Friday, October 15, 2010

Rainy Friday....

Hello! And Welcome to the wonderful world OF!  Moron's psychopaths and mental defectives....  :)

Raining hard today, breakfast in Bedford, then in the afternoon, hearing aids for my dad!  Woo Hoo!  Can't wait for him to hear again!!!!!  Stubborn old man!  :-)

Watching Julies and Julia, reminds me how much I am in love with Amy Adams!  She is just the perfect woman! :-)

Started a fire this morning, we have not turned on the furnace yet.  Luckily I've got more wood coming on Sunday, hopefully will get me through the winter.

I LOVE fires, but once it gets cold and snowy, it IS a pain lugging wood in and out.

Enjoy for today, time to enjoy my coffee...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday's the new Monday!

What a wonderful week of work it will be, with having Monday off for Mr. Columbus, and Friday being our normal off Friday!  :-)

Weekend was fun, went a few times down to the Pumpkin Festival in Milford.  Murphy had a blast, and I had too many Italian Sausages!  :-)

Listened to the band, Russell Hill for a bit, Morgan as always sounded awesome.

Off to work on the phone a bit, new ROM this morning.  Still waiting on a new vanilla rom, but this will do for now.  :)

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tuesday morning....

Had a wonderful walk this morning, after last night, hitting the gym and then walking.  Decided today would be a good day to ride in on the bike as well.  A bit cool, but still very nice.

Was hoping to hit the gym this afternoon, but need to go to the dump, so we will see.

Work, pickup Truck and trash, grab woofer, then home.  If time, head to the gym, and go home and pass out.

up very late watching the Pats DESTROY Miami last night!  Very sweet!

Ok, back to work....

Monday, October 04, 2010

Strange posts

Ok, lots of strange posts today, I know....  But almost time to head out.  Need to have a key made for Tyler and then hit the gym!!!!

Tomorrow...  Kindle Talk.  :-)

And now for something really important....

Not really, but who cares.

Thoughts for the day...

6-12-12.  That is the daily carbs I should be consuming.  6 for breakfast, 12 lunch and 12 dinner.  Can I do it?  Pretty damn tough.

Meeting at 2.  Back later...


The biggest problem I've seen creating the 'look' of my page, is that the Blog hides the beautiful pictures...  Oh well, I'll keep playing...

5...4...3...2...1... BAM!

So, I know I started this thing years ago, and have done nothing, well, I've finally decided to use it for some general ramblings on life.

Although for the world to see, I doubt anyone will read it.  :)  But I don't care, sometimes I just want to be able to write my thoughts down....

And another 2 go by...

Wow, I can't seem to be a good blogger...

Been reading lots, and got a Kindle. Life is cool.